Mount And Blade Speed Rating

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The two-handed sword definitely has a strength requirement, but it is something like sane like 9 or 10.There is also at least one two handed axe that you can get from a master blacksmith, and it is not all that much worse than the 'Troll club' unless they have changed its stats again. Mine sits in a chest in the hideout, right next to the Elf shield, Ragnar's langseax, and other cool but useless gear.As for one handed named axes, I have not found any.

I do not see the point, really. A sword is longer, faster, more damaging, better against armor and if it does not break shields as well as an axe, I would not know, because I try not to hit shields.

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Sometimes I still do, from horseback, and shields break just fine.Axes are cool, I'll give you that, but there is a reason people paid fortunes for a good sword. The best one handed axe is the big pictish axe. You can upgrade it into a heavy version if you like. I preferred to keep them as standard quality to maintain the weapon speed and sacrifice the extra damage because with some power strike I rarely needed more than one hit to put enemies down.

Upgrading to the heavy version of a weapon will trade -2 speed for +2 damage.In my opinion this is also the best axe in the game overall because you get to keep a shield. It also has just enough reach to be usable from horseback although certainly far less than ideal.

It also smashes shields very quickly which makes it particularly good for use by companions. The damage is the best because the damage listed for all 1H/2H weapons is only for when they are used with two hands and they suffer a -25% penalty in damage as well as a speed penalty when used one handed.The damage difference compared to the best swords is not that significant since either will typically kill in one hit anyways with enough power strike or inertia to help them. They are slower and have shorter reach than swords but the big pictish axe in particular isn't too bad in either regard. The troll axe can deal massive damage with a long reach but is less useful if they get close and the huge damage is usually overkill anyways.The strength requirement is also much higher for the Troll axe.

If you want to give axes a try I highly recommend picking up the big pictish axe. Six out of my seven companions, and my character himself use a balanced Goidelic long sword.One-handedWeight: 1.3Swing: 36cThrust: 14pSpeed Rating: 90Weapon Reach: 100Requires Strength 9The length and the speed are very important to me. As for the damage, with power strike 10 and weapon proficiency over 500, I seldom need two swings. Even on foot, I sometimes get damage in the 120s, and on horseback, I've seen 250.Sometimes, in sieges, I use a shorter weapon that's lying around. It makes a huge difference. I could have seen myself using a champion's sword with a shield, despite the speed penalty.

But it not without being able to use it on horseback. Two handed axes are too slow, and one handed ones do not have the reach I want.Still, if you want an axe, the big pictish one is the best. Originally posted by:Does anyone know why they didn't include weapons like the Dane axe (two handed) Well, there are a few two handed axes in game, and at least one is found in Danmark, so you can say they did. As a matter of fact, it may be telling that the dimensions of the two two-handed axes I can see both have halfs of the length of the longest historical Dane axe.Seriously, though. The heads of Dane axes require significantly better steel working than common in the period of the game. Furthermore, some of the hand and a half axes are long enough to fit the common perception of a Dane axe.

And finally, you have at least two, probably more axes that are Dane axes in anything but name.I think it's enough.

One of the most important concepts in is your character’s renown and honor level. These will determine how you are perceived by other characters within the game.

When your renown reaches a high level you will be invited to join one of the factions in the realm. Building RenownYou need to build up your renown in order to improve your standing across and there are a number of ways to do it.BattlesEvery battle you fight will reward you with renown.

Mount And Blade Speed Rating

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The amount you will earn for a specific battle is displayed on the HUD at the start of each fight. In order to boost your renown quickly it is best to keep a small force, the higher the odds against you in a battle the higher the reward in terms of renown. TournamentsAnother good way to build up your renown is to participate in tournaments in the towns and of course win them. You can enter arenas in each town and ask the master there where the next tournament is occurring, it is not worth fighting in the smaller skirmishes in the arenas.MissionsYou can also take on various missions and complete them successfully to gain more renown.

Missions can be accepted by talking to lords or Kings and by talking to the guild masters in the various towns. Missions range in difficulty from simple delivery tasks to covert raids designed to start a new war and the rewards range accordingly.In order to join a faction you need 160 renown. That figure is reduced by 5 renown for every 1 point of positive relationship you have with the King of the faction.Renown is by far the most important thing for your character and the higher the renown is the better your chance of being awarded castles or towns if you capture them after a siege. HonorHonor is another vital component in Mount and Blade and you can gain honor in a variety of ways. You can gain honor by:. Releasing a captured lord you have defeated in battle. Refusing to allow one of your men to engage in a suicide spy mission.

Saving a village from bandits and refusing the reward they offer. Killing a wanted murderer and refusing the reward from the lord or King. Taking a mission to uphold the honor of a lady.Having a good honor rating will make other honourable lords like you, although dishonourable lords will not like you. It also increases your chances of being made Marshall of your chosen faction. Image CreditThis post is part of the series: Mount & Blade Guide.