Silent Moons Camp Location

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Silent Moons Camp Location

. Note: This location is one of many potential targets for one or more of the radiant quests found on.Walkthrough Exterior The main part of the ruins are built on a hill and consists of a thick semi-circular wall with a walkway along the top around an open-topped dome-like barrow with an enclosed outer walkway around the central area which contains the unique. The normal approach is from the southwest, where a stone hut on the left can be found as you approach, similar to several huts found at. It contains two barrels and two bottles of. Past this, by the bottom of a series of flights of wide stairs, on the left is a campfire, with a long wooden table holding two portions of, a, four and a wedge of cheese. There is also a rack with three whole hanging from it and four food barrels nearby, while on the right is a wooden door leading into the interior. There is also a doorway blocked by a lowered gate in the bottom of the thick wall to the south.


There are a number of leveled guarding both the approach and working at the top. There is a broken stone table in the outer walkway around the forge with three on top.The includes a complete blacksmith's forge, an, a and a. On the workbench is a copy of the, a book which describes the forge and an enchanted with a unique enchantment, that when the moon is out will burn the target. On top of the grindstone is a. There is also an unlocked to the right of the workbench. Silent Moons Camp Immediately through the door is an area with distinctly Nordic architecture, with a campfire surrounded by four unowned bed rolls. There is a long wooden table and chairs on your left and a set of shelves in the back corner of the room, holding four bottles of.

To the right of the fire is a tunnel, with a small table, three food barrels and an empty cart on either side of it. The tunnel descends a short distance to the east, before turning south and opening out into a storage area, where you are likely to find the bandit leader and up to two bandits. In the storage area are four barrels of food, an unlocked chest, as well as clusters of, and fungi. There is also a tunnel to the east, which turns immediately south and descends to a pair of adept locked iron double doors. A bandit will be guarding these and will be alerted to any fighting above. There are two food barrels and a to the left of the door.Through the doors is a room with a ladder in the middle, with an unlocked chest to the right.

Silent Moon Camp Location

Around the walls are two large and one small sets of shelves holding a, a, a, three, a, a, a, three loose, a bottle of, two steaks, a bowl of, a sample of and some bread. Digical calendar pro apk. Hanging from the ceiling is a rack holding two bunches of, a and a.

Silent Moons Camp Skyrim

There is also a lever behind the door to the left, when entering the room, which operates the door you entered through.The ladder exits inside a tower containing an unlocked chest and a chain to the right of the doorway, which raises the gate blocking access. There is an upper floor within the tower, however this can only be reach by climbing part way up the hill and dropping down to it from the outer wall. On the upper level is a long wooden table holding a, a, and a potion of regeneration, with a potion of enhanced stamina, on the floor under the table. To the right of the table is a food barrel and against the west wall is a set of shelves holding two random of healing, magicka or stamina and an.