Mikrotik Only Allow Gmail

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Mikrotik only allow gmail password

Hi Support,I have problem with sending email from my client device (UPS) to outside. Firstly, I feel I need to correct something here as I have seen a couple of people throw out their toys when they do not get a response or did not like the response they get. This is not Mikrotik 'Support', most of the people that respond / reply on here is not part of Mikrotik and does so in their own, personal free time capacity. So if you get any or no support here, keep in mind how much you paid for it.Then, with the info you provided, I do not see anything that will cause the GMail on your UPS not to work, I suspect the problem is between your config on your device and GMail, not Mikrotik related at all. I would agree with @CZfan with one single exception.

Your masquerade rule works if the packets from the LAN are sent to the internet via ether1. So if this is not true (e.g.

Without all that crapWhich of those firewall rules you consider crap? What I can see is the default set of firewall rules with added https access from the whole world (which implies that Stanko is not a total beginner as https doesn't run out of the box, and which also implies he's unlikely to waste time setting that part up again) and restriction of Winbox access to a single IP on LAN. Yes, the functionality of these two rules is duplicated by the '/ip service' subnet list, but in the firewall they are visible at first glance. Hi All,I would like to apologize if I hurt someone with my statement 'Support'I realy meen that all of You in forum are support for us who are beginners in Mikrotik routers.According to Yours suggestions,I`ll try with lower google security.I`m wondering also what You mean crap rules?I copy this rules from this forum guru guys, as default security for beginners and home use.If You have any other suggestion for NAT and filter rules I would like to hear from You guys better suggestions.Best RegardsStanko. But I would like Your opinion for my configuration. Its for home purpose only?As you haven't published anything but the firewall rules, I assume you want an opinion on that.Your rule 3 actually does not restrict acces to the Winbox port of the Mikrotik only to our PC's IP address because nothing in the filter chain 'input' drops anything that comes from LAN. So rule 3 is an exception from a drop rule which either does not exist or you haven't included it to the output.As @Kackele has suggested in his specific manner, you can reach your declared goal ('Winbox u lokalu samo za moj racunar') e.g.

( Only ONE SIDE).The other trailing end of Copper Wire needs to have all of the enamel completely sanded off. .To begin building a Rig to hold your Coil you need to first creat two tiny shelves using two Paper Clips.Bend one of your Paper Clips into an ' L' shape.Using a pair of Needle Nose Pliers bend one of the ends of the Paper Clip up to form a shelf.Repeat Steps 2 and 3.Cut or find a small piece of wood roughly 3 inches long. (3' 1X2 piece of wood seems to work the best).Place your Paper Clip shelves onto your piece of wood to see if they are stable and even (some adjustments may be required). What kind of wire do you use to make a dynamo table. (Remember, the more wire you expose the better the connection).

Mikrotik Only Allow Gmail Login

Using the following. Code: ip service set find where name=winbox address=, if you don't want to spend hours trying to understand in a year from now what the heck in the firewall prevents the WinBox access from other address then, while it would actually be the setting above, you can add the missing 'chain=input action=drop' rule as the very last one in chain 'input'. But in such case, you would have to create some other exceptions from such 'drop the rest' rule for devices in your LAN, as they should probably all be able to access the DNS, NTP and DHCP services of the Mikrotik.Your rule 4 permits access to Mikrotik's https interface from anywhere in the IPv4 world as it constitutes an exception from the 'drop all from WAN' rule in chain 'input'.

Mikrotik Only Allow Gmail Email

I assume this is what you wanted and so far TLS is considered secure so I cannot see anything crappy in it.


For extra geek status, and a superior router. BackgroundI’ve been using a Mikrotik router for several years.Mostly, it was a reaction to my negative experience with home grade routers.There were three main criteria in my purchase:. Must have regular security updates. Must have wired and WiFi connectivity. Must be reliableI have not been disappointed!But it was definitely not a simple process to get the Mikrotik up and going.Hence, I want to share how to convert to Mikrotik.