Component To Vga Lm1881

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It's only been 3+ years in the making.A long time ago in ah. This galaxy, I decided to make a VGA cable for my modded XBOX with Frosty's VGA patched bios. I had read back then that some monitors support 'sync on green' which meant a dumb cable where all I would have to do is wire this to that and it would work. Well, it did, just not on any monitors that I owned at the time and as a matter of fact I still don't own one that does. The cable worked fine on my brother in law's monitor but that did me no good.Fast forward to this week. To be honest I don't know what made me think of it but it was on my mind so I decided to fix it for use with monitors that don't support 'SOG.'

Mail chimp rewriter crack. So I ordered a 5 pack of LM1881 'sync separator chips' on ebay. Figuring they'd have the capacitors and resistors I need at Radio Shack I waited for them to arrive. Needless to say, RS didn't have everything I needed. They did have the capacitors but not the resistors (even in the $10 multi-pack) so I got some of those on ebay.The resistors arrived today so I've spent it getting this thing up and running. First it was just a mess of wires and junk to make sure it would work as expected. Then I went out and got a project box and breadboard (also from radshak) and did it right.

Component To Vga Lm1881 Tv

It's the first time I've ever put together a circuit and even though it's a simple one and all the 'ee' was done for me I'm still pretty proud of myself. Fat chanceA few years back some companies (divineo is where I saw them) used to sell this cable under the name Frozen VGA cable or something to that effect. I want to say it was between $20 and $30. It was unclear to me as to whether it had the LM1881 in it so I asked them. I don't remember the response word for word but I recall the unhelpfulness and unwillingness to try and help find out which is why I didn't buy one.If I ever were to sell one of these I imagine my price would be a bit more than that.

Component to vga lm1881 tv

It's a lot of work for an amateur such as myself.


Hi, first of all, i'm building a Component to VGA Conveter using the LMH1251, after reading some docs today i found out the horrible truth about the LMH1251, it doesn't support 1080p resolutions at more than 30 Hz! So, I tired to calm down and think rationally. My first logical decision was to use the common LM1881 Sync separator, but in the datasheet it doesn't say if the LM1881 supports HD, the next possibility was using an LMH1981 which supports HD according to its datasheet, but its application circuit is really complex and I would have to redesign the PCB I made for the converter. So, to make it clear, my question is:Does the LM1881 support 1080p resolutions at 60 Hz?Thanks for your time.EDIT: After reading the LM1881 National Samiconductors info Page, it says that it doesn't support 1080p resolutions.