Blackweb Keyboard Color Change

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Back Light Effects of(NOTICE:This page will be updated with newly designed backlight effects)Backlit mechanical keyboards offer a big advantage if you have to work in dark rooms, or would just like some brightness on your keys to help you see them better.

The first thing you wanna do is get your screwdriver and start removing all the screws from the keyboard. After that, put the keyboard on your desk and remove the keys side. Some keyboard use springs for the keys, some other ones (like mine for example) use a plastic layer which acts exactly like a spring. So if you have this layer, remove it (it's transparent and looks like a very large button array).

After removing the keys you will see the main circuit board and two transparent plastic foils full of electrons and circuit patterns. You will have to remove that. To do this, find the metal blade which connects the foils to the main board, and remove the screws from it, and after that gently pull the foils out of the keyboard.Next unscrew the main board, remove any connector and you will end up with only the main board.

Blackweb Keyboard Color Change Rainbow Black Light

Now you can change the LED's. First get your soldering gun, flip the board, and heat up the solder layer of the LED you want to change. Also press the gun on the board, so the LED will get out of it's connectors when the solder heats up.Also remember where the flat side of the LED was before you removed it! LED's are polarized, so they need to stay in a certain direction in a circuit. You need to remember where the flat side was to know in what position to put the new LED. Now, get your new LED and cut it's pins to the same length as the original keyboard LED. Insert your new LED in the old LED's place and then solder it's pins.Remmeber to put it with the flat side in the correct direction!

Blackweb mechanical keyboard manual

Blackweb Keyboard Color Changing Software

Do the same for every LED you want to change.