Alliance Cities Game Of War

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Alliance Cities in Game of War.OverviewAn alliance city is a city a built collaboratively by your whole alliance. The purpose of the city is to complete special research providing boosts for your entire alliance. Completing the research requires all new special resources than are created from donations by alliance members. The basic process is this:. The R5 of the alliance constructs the alliance city. This currently costs over 6 bil resources and 200k gold. Comentario de hechos john macarthur 1. Members of the alliance donate resources in order to build refineries.

These refineries convert resources into all new resources: Cider, Iron, Coin, Bricks and Lumber. These new resources are to do research at the University building as well as upgrading your existing buildings. There is also a Hall of Quests building that allows alliance members to completes quests for gifts and rewards.Alliance City BuildingsEach building can be upgraded to level 5.

donations. Upgrading this building increases the maximum resource donation per march:.Alliance City ResourcesLumber:Iron:Bricks:Cider:Coin: Alliance City ItemsAlliance City Speeds Ups – available in sizes between 1m and 30d. Use these to speed up alliance city research and construction:Alliance City Teleport – Use this to move the Alliance City:Deeds– These are purchased with gold and used to upgrade Alliance City Buildings: Alliance City Refining:This is the process by which you convert normal resources into alliance city resources. Any R4/R5 can start a refinement.

There is a slider bar to control the balance of speed vs. If the bar is all the way to the left, the refinement is very efficient but very slow. If the bar is all the way to the right the refinement is very fast but very inefficient. MZ recommend somewhere in the middle! Alliance City Research:Full details coming soon – watch this space for alliance city research data!Brick Refinement Speed:Iron Refinement Speed: Other Alliance City Info:. The Alliance city can be moved but requires a special Alliance City Teleport (not currently available).

The Alliance City cannot be shielded – it can only be defended by reinforcing it. Might – this is equivilant to power and represents the power of your Alliance City. Each Kingdom is limited to 100 Alliance CitiesI will keep this page updated as soon as new info is released! The Alliance City is set up, it’s pretty to look at, but it’s a complete waste of time to even bother making the silly thing since you cannot collect monsters to park in it, cannot park troops to defend it, it cannot be rallied nor your neighbors, cannot scout it nor your neighbors. It has caused a great deal of angst because everyone has an opinion on how best to do the silly quests. If you are the R5 and thinking of putting effort into this, concentrate on rallies and building your alliance instead. Had I to do it over, I would have not made the effort.

Hello sir, I really appreciate being able to find a lot of great GoW information here, and for that, I thank you for your hard work at putting this website together. I’m curious though, when we might be able to see some information about the various researches available for alliance cities. I’ve actually got an issue right now where the game has miscalculated our alliance’s Might, and I’d like to be able to validate exactly what our Might should be. The reason I know they’ve erred is because the amount of Might we should have from our traps alone, if calculated correctly, would be equal to a greater number than I see right now for our total for everything. So, just to let you know, and not just for this one reason but for a few, it would be great if we could reference that information regarding alliance city research here on your site.

Thank you again. If the quests work the same way the quests in our player interfaces do then, according to MZ, everytime there is a reroll there is a slight chance of getting a quest improvement. So when we say we are getting a better payout are we really sure.

The value of the quests does not increase linearly, but rather exponentially so its certainly possibe its better to do it this way, but the problem is, everytime we don’t collect a quest we are sacrificing a current collection for a future bigger collection. So then the real question is, is it worth it to give up our the blacks and whites that happen every 5 hours in exchange for a blue or purple or gold once a week or whatever the time frame is.

Game Of War Cheats

Ive been with my current ally for a couple months and it does seem that it works out better but I havent seen any mathematical proof that shows it, am too lazy to make enough observations to figure it out, and don’t have the computer skills to find the equations from the code. So, until I see some evidence I won’t say for sure either way.