Guan Yu Tank Build

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Guan Yu is a melee, disabler and carry with abilities such as Double Blow, Unstoppable Force, Art of Warfare (passive) and Crescent Blade (ultimate).Skill BuildDouble Blow Q – Guan Yu speeds up and splits into two, joining together to deal a heavy blow to the enemy target. Stuns enemies for 1 second. Mana Cost: 80. Cooldown: 10 seconds. Cast Range 800. Physical Damage: 125/175/225/275. (Prioritize leveling this up next to ultimate)Unstoppable Force W – An unstoppable aerial shot that targets a single enemy for heavey damage within a specified range.

Guan Yu Tank Building

Guan yu wikipedia

This ability also helps Guan Yu escape danagerous areas. Mana Cost: 100. Cooldown: 8 seconds. Cast Range: 1000. Physical Damage: 170/220/270/320.Art of Warfare Passive – Guan Yu’s mastery of war grants a higher chance to deal a critical strike and dodge enemy attacks.

The best defense is a good offense. Dodge Chance: 7%/10%/13%/16%.

Bonus Critical Chance: 5%/8%/11%/14%Crescent Blade R – Guan Yu’s draws on his dragon heritage for 5 seconds. With a roar, a single enemy target is engulfed for devastating fire damage. Magic immunity is granted for the duration of this ability. Mana Cost: 150/200/250. Cooldown: 90 second. Physical Damage: 120/180/250 per second.