Starkiller Vs Darth Vader

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' I'm not Starkiller! Not the original Starkiller, anyway. I'm a clone, grown in a vat by Darth Vader to take the old Starkiller's place at his side.' ―Starkiller' Starkiller,' designation Subject 1138, was a of, the of the. Following Marek's in the, Vader attempted to create a more powerful and obedient servant using the preserved corpse of his fallen apprentice as a. Were produced before Vader began a clone who showed promise of becoming the first success. However, this clone was haunted by of his progenitor's life as well as Marek's feelings for the.

  1. Deak Starkiller Vs Darth Vader
  2. Dark Lord Starkiller Vs Darth Vader

Having been deemed a failure by his, the clone from the and went searching for Eclipse. At the, the clone was unaware that Vader was also training with the potential to take Marek's place.Lacking a name of his own, and refusing to take the one that belonged to his template, the renegade clone was referred to as 'Starkiller'—Marek's former during his time as Vader's secret apprentice and —by, the of the original Starkiller. Although the clone the Master on, he refused to support the and only desired to find Eclipse. Despite his reluctance to aid the Rebellion, Starkiller was forced to work with the after Eclipse was and taken to Kamino. Returning to his, Starkiller against the stationed in the where he was created. He also encountered other clones of Marek before finally reaching Vader, who Eclipse in order to bring the clone to heel.Starkiller fought back against his creator after the latter nearly killed Eclipse.

The two engaged in a with Starkiller emerging as the victor, although he reluctantly agreed to spare the life on the advice of Kota, who wanted to make an example of Vader to the rest of. After securing their aboard the, Starkiller and Eclipse departed from Kamino with the rest of the —unaware, however, that they were secretly being followed by none other than the infamous bounty hunter in the. ' We are still left with hundreds upon hundreds of abject failures. While they no longer try to kill anything that comes near them, they are nearly insensible.' ―Lead Cloning Technician, Timira City Cloning FacilityThe original Starkiller was cloned at the behest of Darth Vader, who sought a more powerful and ruthless version of his late apprentice.When the original in a bid to rescue the captured, presented him with the opportunity of killing and replacing him as Palpatine's. While Starkiller refused, perishing in the ensuing battle with Palpatine to provide his friends the means to escape, Vader was at last made aware of Palpatine's long standing desire to replace him with a more able apprentice.Now earnestly pursuing the idea of a secret apprentice to help him assassinate Palpatine, Vader preserved Starkiller's body, taking it to and extracting cells to the. Due to the inherent difficulty in cloning, many of the initial clones were.

As the process was refined, the clones became increasingly stable, though many still succumbed to after the period of a few months, at which point Vader would simply move on to training a new test subject. The Starkiller clone designated as Subject 1138 was just the latest in a long line. ' The accelerated cloning process is still imperfect.

Those who came before you went mad within months. I believed you would be the first success, but it seems you are to suffer the same fate.' ―Darth Vader, to StarkillerAfter a series of unstable clones, Vader thought Subject 1138 'Starkiller' would be the one who succeeded where his precursors failed.Starkiller's training progressed rapidly, thanks in large part to the imprinted memory flashes from the original Starkiller.

He was also subjected to numerous brutal tests by Darth Vader, such as having to spend thirteen days in isolation without food or water, forced to survive by relying on. Upon one of Vader's visits, the clone was released from the isolation pit and was informed by Vader that, the original Starkiller's Jedi mentor, had been captured on. At the conclusion of his training, Starkiller was to travel there and execute the Jedi. When Vader inquired about Starkiller's visions, the clone elaborated, curious about their meaning. Vader explained that they were nothing more than 'the memories of a dead man,' a temporary side effect of the accelerated cloning process. With that, Vader initiated a training session, providing Starkiller with a pair of lightsabers. Engaging a number of imitating Rebel Alliance soldiers, Starkiller cut them down with brutal efficiency, falling into a trance-like state.

However, as he turned on the last faux-Rebel, he realized that it was an imitation of.Despite Vader's orders, Starkiller was unable to strike her down. Disappointed at Starkiller's inability, Vader struck down the false Eclipse himself, and Starkiller ran to the cut-up droid to check it, as if it were Juno herself. Vader then declared that Starkiller would suffer the 'same fate as the others.'

Now aware that he was going to be discarded by the Sith Lord, Starkiller lost all respect for him, even doubting the fact that there were other clones of the same template; he believed that any other version of Vader's fallen apprentice would be in love with her as well and seek out Juno Eclipse just as he was. Experiencing a sudden memory flash of the original Starkiller being betrayed by Vader, Starkiller then decided to escape this outcome, and therefore turned on Vader at the last moment.Darth Vader brandished his lightsaber to execute the clone, but was caught off-guard by a sudden barrage of from an enraged Starkiller, dropping to one knee as his malfunctioned. Starkiller used the opening to blast a hole in the wall of the reinforced training room, leaping out of the tower into the Kamino rainstorms. Using the Force to clear his path of and exterior fixtures on the tower, Starkiller plummeted onto the exterior ramparts of the cloning facilities. Drawing his two lightsabers, he cut a bloody swath of destruction along the rain-slicked platforms, eventually reaching the landing platform where Vader's was docked.As Starkiller paused, Darth Vader emerged from within the facility. Quickly boarding the fighter, Starkiller lifted off and escaped Kamino, despite Vader's brief attempt to halt the fighter. Although he knew better than to believe he was free, Starkiller further gave in to his imprinted feelings by dedicating himself to finding Juno Eclipse.

Cato Neimoidia. Where is he?' ' Oh He's alive, for the moment. He's been in the arena for seven days.' ―Starkiller and Merillion TarkoStarkiller traveled to Cato Neimoidia and annihilated an entire Imperial garrison in order to rescue Rahm Kota.Knowing that Rahm Kota would most likely be a valuable asset in tracking down Juno, Starkiller decided to rescue his progenitor's former Jedi ally.

Thus, he followed up on Darth Vader's information and traveled to. As he had not changed the transponder in Vader's ship, he was believed to be the Dark Lord and was directed to an executive landing pad, where he was greeted by a full retinue of stormtroopers and, the Imperial governor controlling the world from, a city that he named after himself. When Starkiller, clad in a tattered Imperial flightsuit, emerged from the vessel, Tarko immediately noticed that something was wrong, informing Starkiller that Kota had been in the for the past several days before questioning his knowledge of the local Imperial security codes. When Starkiller didn't answer, Tarko and the stormtroopers brandished their weapons, prompting Starkiller to ignite his lightsabers.

Deak Starkiller Vs Darth Vader

Tarko retreated while Starkiller quickly cut down the troopers.Carving his way through the eastern archway of Tarko-se, Starkiller eventually reached a public tramway to the western arch where the arena was situated. En route, he was forced to defend the vehicle against an assault by Imperial air forces, destroying most of the opposition. However, the tram finally malfunctioned and fell out of the sky just before reaching the western arch, forcing Starkiller to leap the distance to the tram station. Once in the western arch, he made his way to the entrance to the.Starkiller used both his lightsaber skills and Force powers to defeat a Gorog.Once within the arena, he approached an exhausted in the ring. An incredulous Kota turned to him, plainly surprised, but expressing his certainty in Starkiller's survival.

As one of the arena doors opening, releasing a, Starkiller brandished one lightsaber. However, his relaxed attitude quickly vanished when the rancor was seized and consumed by a massive, and he ignited his second blade. While Kota fled the arena to hunt down Tarko, Starkiller remained to contend with the Gorog. With Kota's strategic assistance, Starkiller managed to use the Gorog's restraints built into the arena to pin the beast's arms, before leaping onto its head and cutting into its brain.The Gorog managed to break loose of its restraints and fling Starkiller aside, destroying the hanging arena's supports in an enraged pursuit of the Force Adept. Starkiller allowed it to do so, hoping it would fall with the rest of the arena.

Making his way to Tarko's executive box, he rendezvoused with Kota and confronted the Baron. However, the confrontation was cut short by the Gorog, who seized hold of the box in a last ditch effort to avoid falling.

Tarko fell into the Gorog's open mouth while Kota was grabbed by the beast before it fell. Starkiller leapt after them, attacking the Gorog with bursts of Force lightning and lightsaber throws. Finally, Starkiller used the Force to burst through the creature's torso, causing the Gorog to release Kota from its grip. Once freed, Kota used his comlink to contact the, which swept in on autopilot and caught them before landing hard on the rocky terrain below.Starkiller refused to take his predecessor's place, insisting to Kota that he was merely a clone who wanted to find Juno Eclipse.Once within the ship, Starkiller charged into the cockpit, expecting to find Juno Eclipse there. Kota revealed that he didn't know where she was, as the Rebel fleet had been scattered.

Starkiller convinced Kota to help him find Juno, and Kota provided the coordinates for the Rebel rendezvous in the. However, they were ambushed by an Imperial fleet upon their arrival, and forced to flee. Kota was quick to try convincing Starkiller to join the Rebellion in a counterattack against the Empire, brushing aside Starkiller's claims of being a clone with the supposed certainty that cloning Force-sensitives was impossible; he also tried to drill Starkiller for information regarding the Kaminoan cloning facilities in order for the Alliance to launch a full-scale invasion of Kamino.However, Starkiller remained unconvinced that he could be the real Starkiller, believing that Vader found a way to successfully clone Force-wielders with the aid of.

Furthermore, he remained committed to finding Juno and also stated that he simply needed a quiet place to meditate on his situation. Kota was enraged that Starkiller would not immediately commit to the Rebellion, believing that the clone was putting one woman and his own inner conflict above the needs of the galaxy. Realizing that he could not convince or force Starkiller to change his mind, Kota stormed out of the cockpit, but not before giving the Rogue Shadow to him, feeling that the ship had always been his, and demanding to be let out on the nearest spaceport before Starkiller got 'lost in the stars'. Vision on Dagobah.

' Fine, then. Go to the forests of Kashyyyk or the caves of Dagobah, or wherever you think you'll find what you need and let the galaxy die.' ―Rahm Kota, to StarkillerDropping Kota off on, Starkiller then followed up on both his and hints Kota had inadvertently dropped. Traveling to, he found the planet in turmoil from recent resistance activity. On, he experienced a vision of the original Starkiller's. From freeing Kota to visiting several worlds, he had found that all of his attempts to find Juno had proven to be counter-productive to his primary goal. Having exhausted all other options, he decided to travel to.Starkiller journeyed to Dagobah where he encountered Yoda, the exiled Grand Master of the Jedi Order.Landing on the planet, he probed the swamps through the Force, discovering an odd Force signature that studied him in return.

Picking his way through the swamps towards it, Starkiller was forced to fight off several predators, but prevailed. Reaching the, he was greeted. Yoda steered Starkiller into entering the cave, which the Force Adept did after a moment.Within the cave, Starkiller experienced a vision. Now clad in the robes of a Jedi Knight and wielding blue lightsabers, he wandered the interior of the cave, only to be accosted by various versions of himself. Initially brandishing his lightsabers, Starkiller lowered them and forced his way through. Entering a final chamber shrouded in shadows, he experienced additional layers of the vision, seeing Darth Vader hiring to track him down, and Juno Eclipse being attacked and wounded on the bridge of her vessel, the.Emerging from the cave, Starkiller was counciled by Yoda to follow what he had seen.

Returning to his ship, Starkiller traveled to Malastare to find Kota. Finding Kota in the workshop of the Rebel contact, Starkiller was recognized by Shyre, who was infatuated with Juno, as the man whom Juno Eclipse always spoke of. After Kota left to rendezvous with his new squad, Starkiller Shyre's memory of him, and of his own last meeting with Juno. Afterward, Kota introduced Starkiller to his squad's medic, the. Vanz possessed extensive knowledge of cloning, having been educated in the subject by a slave during a shared sentence in the. Vanz elaborated on how cloning was not the equivalent of immortality.

A clone was its own distinct individual, based on the biological structure of the original subject, but ultimately a different version of its template. Vanz also elaborated on the complications of cloning Force-sensitives, particularly how the clones would lapse into, causing them to develop psychotic and violent tendencies. Although he was unsure, Vanz speculated that the Force was in some way responsible for undermining the stability of Force-sensitive clones.Starkiller wasn't reassured by this information, despite Kota's belief that it proved he wasn't a clone. They departed for, the current location of the Rebel fleet, soon afterward.

En route, Kota presented Starkiller with a pair of blue, relics of the Clone Wars; Starkiller accepted the gifts and installed them in his dual-lightsabers. Attack on the Salvation. ' I have to get to Juno before she's hurt.'

Dark Lord Starkiller Vs Darth Vader

Starkiller vs darth vader game free playStarkiller Vs Darth Vader

' Even if it means putting yourself at risk?' ' Our bounty hunter friend will find it works the other way around.' ―Starkiller and Rahm KotaStarkiller returned to Kota and the Rebel Alliance, still hoping to find Eclipse.Arriving at Nordra, Starkiller and Kota docked aboard the Salvation ahead of, which had taken an alternate vessel. While taking a rapid cargo tram towards the Salvation bridge, Kota informed Starkiller about the state of affairs within the Alliance. The Alliance leadership was deadlocked, as they didn't have the firepower to take out a meaningful Imperial target, and hit-and-run raids wasted too many lives. Juno Eclipse was part of the militarist camp, calling for an aggressive strike, even for only a symbolic victory.

Kota didn't tell Juno that Starkiller was with him, feeling that it would be better for her to see for herself. Starkiller handed Kota an encrypted that contained information about the cloning facilities; everything the Alliance needed to launch a successful attack.The cargo tram suddenly ground to a halt as the ship was attacked. Starkiller and Kota quickly drew their lightsabers and made their way to the bridge on foot, attacked by along the way. Reaching the bridge, they found it in shambles, most of the personnel dead and Juno missing. Starkiller found, the original Starkiller's training droid, who informed them that Juno had likely been taken to the Deck 7 docking bays.

While Kota remained on the bridge to take command of the ship, Starkiller continued on alone, following the destructive trail left by Vader's bounty hunter and the Imperial forces.Seeking to protect Eclipse, Starkiller helped the Alliance to repel an Imperial attack.Making it to the hangar, Starkiller arrived just in time to see Boba Fett and a very shocked Juno Eclipse board. Attempting to stop Fett's ship from fleeing by grasping it telekinetically, Starkiller was forced to break off when he was attacked by a. Pursuing the monstrous droid into the Salvation 's reactor chamber, Starkiller destroyed it. Contacting Kota, Starkiller demanded that Kota order the attack on Kamino, so he could go rescue Juno from Darth Vader. As he felt his rage build up at the thought of Juno's capture and his Master, Starkiller experienced another vision in the Force; he stood victorious over a defeated Darth Vader and raised his blade to finally end the Sith Lord's life. Before he could deliver the final blow, however, he was impaled from behind by a lightsaber through the chest.

In the last moments of his short existence, Starkiller saw that his killer's face was exactly like his own; it was another clone of Galen Marek—a ',' deeply absorbed in the dark side and much more powerful. The last thing that Starkiller saw before snapping out of the vision was water as Vader telekinetically pushed the imperfect clone's body into the vast ocean of Kamino. Battle of Kamino. ' I wonder if he's here somewhere.' ' The original Starkiller.' ―Starkiller and Rahm KotaStarkiller returned to the hangar just in time to see the Rebel fleet arrive at Kamino.

Engaging the Imperial forces that boarded the Salvation, Starkiller systematically eliminated them before returning to the bridge. Kota and PROXY informed him that the attack was going badly; as the Imperials had been waiting for them, and the deflector shield protecting Timira City prevented them from landing any of their forces. Starkiller advised Kota to order the ship abandoned so he could crash in through the planetary shield and destroy the planetside shield generator.Slaving all ship systems to the bridge, Starkiller plotted a course straight at the planetside shield generators and set the ship on autopilot. As the ship plummeted towards Timira City, Starkiller cleared debris from the battle out of the ship's path, allowing it to smash through the shield. As the Salvation continued falling, it broke in half, with the rear half plowing into the shield generator, while his flew at the spire where Darth Vader was holed up.

Too late realizing that Juno was also being held in the spire, Starkiller used the Force to destroy the entire forward section of the Salvation. Managing to survive the fall onto the facility, Starkiller briefly lost consciousness.

By In-sidiousvaderMarch 5, 2019So hopefully this will be a quick blog, I have worked hard on this comments are welcome, but it is unlikely you will receive a response. I am going to be addressing the misconceptions surrounding the fight of Starkiller (clone) vs Vader PrefaceI am going to be articulating my points in the most efficient way possible. SK will be used meaning 'Starkiller' but specifically since this fight addresses the Vader Vs SK clone fight. As such I will refer to Starkiller as SK for most if not all of the thread, with that said enjoy the most comprehensive analysis of Vader vs SK that exists on the Internet. Section 1: Fight analysisWithin this segment of the blog, I will be examining the text specifically and only the text, we will ascertain what this means and how it relates to Marek or Vader and we will be using it as the primary source of argumentation. Section 2: Alternative media and relevance to canonIn this segment I will be explaining the exact factual evidence that exists in other media and how that relates to the precedents I have set in the previous sections.Without further ado I present to you Starkiller vs Vader Fight Analysis: Vader has the upper hand?'

He asked the silent cloning tower. 'Search your feelings,' Vader said, stepping into view at the very top of the tower, lightsaber held tightly in his right hand.

'The answer lies within you.' Starkiller stared up at his former Master. What did he have that none of the other clones did? He remembered: 'How long this time?' 'Thirteen days. ' And he remembered: 'The Force gives me all I need.'

'The dark side. Slowly a dark understanding began to form. All the duels, all the tests, all the torturous mind games, had been to ensure his survival against every opponent - bar one. In a sense, they were still playing out the first time they had faced each other in combat. He didn't remember the early days of his apprenticeship, when the memories of his parents had been strong and the young boy he had once been resisted Vader's absolute authority, but he was sure the battle had been even then, psychological. The battle would never cease until one of them won.Was this what it was like to be a Sith?

Forever at war with one's own Master? 'Your training made me strong enough to escape you,' he said, 'not obey you. ' 'Yet here you are.' Darth Vader's words fell on him like heavy weights. 'My most deadly creation.'

Starkiller jumped up to the next platform, passion stirring him to action.Anyone who has even a decent understanding of Star Wars knows what this means, the line in the Sith code 'Through passion I gain strength' Starkiller is clearly enraged at this point after being subjected to Vader's masterful use of Dun Moch. Even if he is not calling on the Force to amplify his rage at this point he is still in the sith mindset, he is still passionate about his cause he is going all out to kill Vader to get to Juno, lets continue.'

You never wanted this. You can't have. Once Juno has been rescued, your facility will be destroyed.

You with it, if there's any justice.' 'There is no justice, ' said Darth Vader, watching him ascend.

'Only power.' Vader made no move to defend himself when Starkiller reached the very top of the cloning tower. Determined to prove him wrong, Starkiller didn't waste time announcing his intentions. He just lunged. Only at the very last moment did Vader raise his blade to block the blow, and even then the move seemed almost casual, disinterested.

Starkiller struck again, with both lightsabers. Vader blocked one blade and used telekinesis to throw the other off target. The platform buckled and twisted, sending Starkiller flying.So not only is this an excellent cross examination of Vader and Starkiller showing their differing psychologies, but it perfectly demonstrates Vader's casual demeanor during the early part of this fight, no matter what camp you believe.

The fact that Vader takes his time is a large indicator that this is either a test or Vader is holding back. Furthermore the text implies not only that its a test, but that this is easy for Vader to defend against.He rolled and leapt, and came up swinging. Covered in blood - the blood of his fellow clones - and knowing Juno was close, he fought his former Master with single-minded focus. Vader was still testing him; he sensed that more and more keenly, with every passing moment, but to what purpose he still couldn't tell. Vader himself fought more cautiously than he had on the Death Star, the last time they had dueled in earnest.

We see here that Darth Vader has Starkiller trapped, he performs a Force Choke to which Starkiller seemingly cannot get out of, not only this, but Starkiller is in the air for about 3-5 seconds and unable to break the choke, it is only his use of lightning which as we have discussed is one of Vader's most prevalent weaknesses that he is able to break the lock, from there he attempts to override Vader with his power, but consequently is thrown back with his own power. Whether you believe in the barrier arguments for superiority to another character, this should be clear to you, Vader reflects Starkiller's own power back at him and is completely fine from the resulting explosion, whilst Starkiller is litterally thrown through a wall/grate. What's more, despite Vader's dialouge we know he is still not trying to kill Starkiller at this point as his goal is still to capture him and turn him back. Yet, still we see Vader shrugging off those blows like nothing. These are the only ones with complete wiggle room if you don't believe in simple pushes as a display of superiority. However given everything else these pushes, the casual disarm and everything else fits in perfectly. The idea here is not to show you one singular piece of evidence and elaborate on it until you are all bored to death, rather I am simply stating multiple things that align with text and story and substantiate the claims I have made thus far.This is the final piece of evidence for the blog I will present.

This is again about as concrete as it gets. Vader simply grips Starkiller mid jump (who would obviously have his force barrier up) and continues to hold him for a good 8-20 seconds. He doesn't even get out of it this time, Vader throws him rather than just snapping his neck (presumably because again he is not trying to kill him) and Starkiller bounces off the structure and catches Vader off guard with a Force blast.

Starkiller Vs Darth Vader

Let's see here thats about a total of 2 full ragdolls, two pushes, and a blast of Starkiller's power no sold for Vader and one good force push for Starkiller, who is more powerful here? Final Note:I made this blog to examine the details of the fight as presented in all relevant mediums. I did not mention the comic here because we only get a brief fight scene between Starkiller and Vader and its just Starkiller driving Vader back from Boba Fett's point of view. In all of the mediums presented here, which I feel are the most relevant, it is made apparent that Vader holds the edge, that Vader is holding back, and that Starkiller is not as powerful as Vader. If you disagree with my points, that is fine, viewer interpretation is important. However, I have been completely unbiased here, any speculation that I have listed has been noted with the terms possibly or some other verbiage that indicates it is not fact.

With that said I neglected to mention a few other points, including the Dark Apprentice's existence as well as some other things. If this blog makes a change in any of your minds I will be writing something detailing the specifics of those facets to this fight, as it stands however I think this piece stands good enough on its own. Thanks for reading!