Legendary Grenade Mods Borderlands 2

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Legendary grenade mods borderlands 2 4
  1. Legendary Grenade Mods Borderlands 2 Cheats

BL2 Expanded Legendary PoolsThis mod adds all legendary items across DLCs into the global legendary lootpools, and by default adds all uniques, seraphs, and pearlescents into thelegendary pools, too. This applies to weapons, grenade mods, class mods,shields, and even relics. The mod will also by default add in gemstone weaponsinto the E-Tech pool, and add the Dragon Keep 'Alignment' Class Mods to theglobal class mod drops.

Legendary Grenade Mods Borderlands 2 Cheats

These additions, like most of the functionality inthis mod, can be disabled/configured easily.To compensate for the increased number of items which are available inthe legendary/E-tech pools, this mod also doubles the chances of thosedrops, by default. An optional configuration section can be used to revertthose rates to the standard drop rates, or set them to drop three times asoften, instead.This mod was basically taken straight out of BL2 Better Loot, though thereare a few functional differences.

This mod will not play nicely withBetter Loot, or my Cold Dead Hands mod, for that matter! Those mods alreadyimprove the loot drops in their own ways, and having this mod on top willresult in undefined behavior.This mod isn't entirely dissimilar to FromDarkHell's BL1Loot.txt, thoughthat mod just adds a bunch of stuff to the legendary weapons pool (anddoesn't include things like COMs), whereas this one adds things to theirrespective loot pools and allows for more configuration. Usage/InstallationThis mod must be imported into BLCMM using File - Import single mod.Simply choose the file BL2 Expanded Legendary Pools.blcm and have at it!

Configuration. Loot Pool Setup - This is where the main bit of the mod happens.The one locked category adds all legendary items to the various legendarypools. Then all the other options in here can be freely unchecked if youwant. For reference here, they are:. Add Dragon Keep 'Alignment' Class Mods to Global Drop Pool. Add Gemstones to E-Tech Pool. Add Uniques to Legendary Pools.

Add E-Tech Relics to Legendary Pools. Add Pearls to Legendary Pools (Weapons Only).

Add Seraphs to Legendary Pools. Add Undesirable Items to Pools (disabled by default) - There are severalitems which aren't enabled by default, and I've labeled them as'undesirables.' You can enable them on an item-by-item basis in the lastcategory, if you like. These are:. Captain Blade's Midnight Star. Contraband Sky Rocket. Cracked Sash.


ERROR MESSAGE (the Ahab version that Master Gee wields). Vault Hunter's Relic.

E-Tech Drop Rate Adjustment (defaults to 2x) - Since we doubled theamount of weapons in the E-Tech pools, it seemed fair to double the droprate. This can optionally be reverted down to stock values, or increasedfurther to 3x.

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Legendary Drop Rate Adjustment (defaults to 2x) - As with E-Techs, sincewe greatly increased the number of items in the Legendary pools, it seemedfair to double the drop rate. This can optionally be reverted down tostock values, or increased further to 3x.Bugs. The mission Medical Mystery: X-Com-municate is supposed to reward anE-Tech pistol, but because we add gemstones into the E-Tech pool (at leastby default), you may end up with a gemstone weapon instead.Mod Construction / Implementation Details(This section is only relevant for someone looking to edit the mod in thesame way I do, or just someone curious about my mod construction techniques.If you're just looking to run the mod, see the 'Usage' section above.

Themod can, of course, be edited directly in BLCMM as well, once it'sbeen imported.)I generate this mod using a Python script named generate-mod.py. Itmakes use of modprocessor.py from the parent directory. You'd need to copy(or symlink, if you're on Mac or Linux) modprocessor.py into this directoryin order to run the script. LicensesThe generate-source.py script itself is licensed under the,which should be permissive enough to do just about whatever with.The mod itself is licensed under.See andfor the full text.

Changelogv1.0.1, August 24, 2018:. The Ogre is now properly considered a Legendary, not a Unique, and willbe in the legendary pool regardless of whether you have Uniques addedor not.v1.0.0, July 22, 2018:. Initial public release.

Like most legendary loot, Legendary Class Mods have increased chances to show up from certain bosses, and are otherwise extremely rare (they're still very rare from the RIGHT bosses).The Legendary Siren is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Vermivorous The Invincible, Pete the Invincible, Voracidous the Invincible and Ancient Dragons of Destruction.and click the item name to check out the drop targets for farming. And remember not all targets are equally farmable for whatever reason; Hyperious the Invincible for example is ANNOYING and slow to fight, while Voracidous takes a while to spawn and is based on random chance. Happy hunting.