Darthmod Empire Total War

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  1. Darthmod Napoleon Total War
  2. Empire Total War Mods
  3. Darthmod Empire Total War Italy

Darthmod Napoleon Total War

Welcome to!A subreddit for all of those who love the Total War series. Empire with Darthmod is still my all-time favorite TW game. The problem is that it no matter how great Darthmod is, it is still built on Empire, which is buggy as shit. The scope is much better, but be prepared for shit like game crashes because Austria has 50 stacks of one line infantry each surrounding their capital doing nothing.Napoleon is less of a real TW game and almost more of a historical war game based on Total War. As a whole, it just doesn't have the scope of the series. It's up to you, but just be warned that despite their similarities, they really are very different games as a whole. I'd personally go with Empire + Darthmod, but that's just me.

Hell, try both. They are wonderful games. Napoleon is much better unmodded, but the scope of what can happen is more limited. If you enjoy the period and the historical recreation aspect, Napoleon does a good job. The game mechanics are a little more streamlined (restoring units to full strength), and the graphics are a bit nicer (notably, the campaign map) but it's essentially the same game.Darthmod Empire is really more about finding your own way and building an empire from a set starting point.

The worldwide scope and the large unit variety gives it a bit of an edge in what you can do, and in my mind the AI is more or less on par with Napoleon. Unfortunately (for me, anyway), Empire still has a few rage-inducing CTD bugs lingering that I have yet to see in Napoleon.I can't give you an answer, however; I play concurrent campaigns in both.:). I started up a campaign as Spain in Darth Mod Ultimate Commander about a month ago, and now that it's winding down to its final years I realize that I've been hooked this whole time! It definitely improves Empire to the point where I no longer regret spending $50 on it a couple years ago, and see it consistently providing me with entertainment for the next few years like the previous Total War games have.Points of note:. It may be just me, but DMUC kills my vanilla game. I can kiss a reliable multiplayer experience goodbye (though that's not what I play these games for anyway.).

Number of troops has been multiplied times two. This helps the game in virtually all situations except sieges, when it takes minutes upon minutes to move a full unit of 400 men on and off your walls. It also looks like the variety in Grand Campaign battle maps has significantly dwindled. Everything's notably flatter. Blander than in vanilla.

This may have happened to balance against the previously-mentioned difficulties of navigating so many more troops around. The gloriously huge, pretty, and complex cities of Medieval 2 have been replaced by forts.

A siege now just involves the storming of a fort in the middle of the countryside, no city in sight. It's quite anti-climatic. Naval battles are still as incomprehensible as they've always been.

Empire Total War Mods


Darthmod Empire Total War Italy

It. Gorgeous.I can't speak on Napolean, however, as I gave it an attempt at playing but quit due to crashes at the beginning of every campaign battle I threw at it.