Bleach Female Muscle Growth Story

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Anime GTS Stories- Personal feelingsand random trivia on oldstories as their original authors go back and re-read them long after writing them.Last updated February 22, 2019.If you have a story you'd like to have submitted onto this website,e-mail it to me. About the only stories I don't allow are those with explicitsex scenes. Chori chori chupke chupke mp3 song download 320kbps.

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When e-mailingme your story, it's highly recommended (but not required; you may stuff thestory in an e-mail if you are more comfortable that way) that you send it as anattachment in one of these formats:.txt,.rtf,.doc,.wps,.odt, or.htm.You must include, with your story, a one-paragraphteaser briefly describing the story, otherwise it is not uploaded.You are solely responsible for what you send to me.Please proofread your work as much as you can before sending it to me, as I donot check for spelling, grammar, or continuity errors myself. While you can sendedits to me if you find errors after the fact,stories are subject to removal untilthe story's completion if I feel too many edits are being sent.Active story policy ('six-month rule'):If a story goes at least six months (specifically at the very end of thesixth month) without being updated, the story isremoved from the website and presumed cancelled unless noted otherwise by theauthor. If the story does get updated after removal, it returns to thesite.


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This policy is to keep authors on their toes and make sure they don'tforget about the work they started. E-mails, if possible, are sent to the authorto remind them of the deadline approaching when about a month remains.Originalgiantesses:I've had many ask me over the years if I alloworiginal characters to be giantesses.

The answer is yes, under one of twoconditions. Either A) they must be accompanied by another giantess who'salready in the anime/cartoon OR B) a picture/drawing is made of thatoriginal character, in which case they can stand solo.ColorsComplete: The story is finishedIncomplete: The story is a workin progress and is being worked onNot up yet: The story has not been started yetRatingsNote that ratings are never final until a story is finished.