Virginia Wounded Warrior Program

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Virginia Wounded Warrior Program Jobs

Dc.contributor.authorStill, Georgedc.contributor.authorDickerson, Thomasdc.contributor.authorWhite, Nancydc.contributor.authorSforza, Peterdc.contributor.authorSchroeder, Aarondc.contributor.authorWillis-Walton, Susan of Virginia is the home to over 800,000 veterans who have served in conflicts ranging from World War II to the current engagements in the gulf region, Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF/Iraq) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF/Afghanistan). The Virginia Wounded Warrior Program has been charged with coordinating and facilitating the services that are needed by Virginia’s veterans who have served in the United States military. In order to evaluate how to best serve and facilitate services for these veterans, the VWWP has commissioned a needs assessment of Virginia’s veterans that is summarized in this report.enUSdc.language.isoenUSenUSdc.publisherVirginia Tech Institute for Policy & GovernanceenUSdc.titleReport to the Virginia Department of Veterans Services Virginia Wounded Warrior Program: Assessing the Experiences, Supportive Service Needs and Service Gaps of Veterans in the Commonwealth of Virginia Final ReportenUSdc.typeReportenUSFiles in this item.