Sfc Scannow Error Windows Resource Protection

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  1. Sfc Scannow Could Not Start Repair Service
  2. Disable Windows Resource Protection

Infopackets Reader Terry C. Writes:' Dear Dennis,I am trying to run the command 'sfc /scannow' (system file checker) through the Windows command prompt to repair corrupt Windows files, but every time I try and run 'sfc /scannow', it stops at 42% and gives the error message 'Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation.'


Therefore, the 'sfc /scannow' does not complete and I can't repair my corrupt Windows files. How can I fix this so I can finish running the scan and fix my files?

'My response:I had the 'Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation' error recently, and the best way to resolve the issue is to reboot into safe mode and try and run 'sfc /scannow' through an administrative command prompt. That is easier said than done, however, as there are a number of steps you need to take before that can happen. I would just like to make everyone aware of a recent problem that I encountered with System File Checker (SFC). For those that installed Windows update KB3022345, thereafter SFC reported irreparable corruption errors when, in reality, there were no errors. Only when I uninstalled that patch was SFC able to run through with no errors being found. My only point in telling you this is that it happened in the last month or so and was driving me crazy with trying to fix this 'problem' when, come to find out, the cause was KB3022345.

I hope you don't go through what I went through to 'fix' this 'problem'.If you're like me, you don't want to uninstall any patch provided by Microsoft, especially when you don't know what it does and the Microsoft description is so vague as to be useless. So, if you have Microsoft update KB3022345 installed and you now have SFC indicating there are problems, you can easily correct them without uninstalling KB3022345 by following the instructions here:For Windows 7:Windows 8:problem is one of permission settings. No logic changes are made in the above website instructions. I had the problem in Windows 7 and the simple procedure at the above URL (for Windows 7) corrected it.

SFC once again runs cleanly. or to post comments. The system update readiness tool is meant to fix a broken Windows Update. SFC is the 'system file check' (SFC) utility which is meant to fix corrupt or broken operating system files - though it doesn't always work and neither does the system update readiness tool. If your SFC errors are related to a broken Windows Update, then I supposed it is possible that the system update readiness tool would resolve your problems. However, this will not apply to most cases where SFC is failing.

or to post comments. I spent all day trying to figure this out. I've been to more websites in a day than I've been to all year!

Sfc Scannow Could Not Start Repair Service

No one had the answer.not even Microsoft! I owe you something for this.something perhaps. J/K Seriously, I am soooooo appreciative that you took the time to post all if this.and in simple language, with easy-to-follow directions. This is literally the best 'technical' post I've ever read. You should be giving a class in how to communicate these concepts to laypeople. Thanks again, and best wishes.

Disable Windows Resource Protection


or to post comments. Thanks for such wonderful instructions. I found many bits and pieces of your step-by-step instructions on other sites and had tried some, but this list was so thorough. Funny thing is that I found the solution with your help, but not because the instructions fixed the problem.I was missing the Settings; browsers couldn't open pages; sometimes Windows 10 would go to a black screen showing only the mouse cursor; etc. As I went through your instructions, I got to the point where I had to create an Administrator account. I noticed in the Administrator account that I could do some of the things I couldn't do in my broken account.

So after finishing everything in your instructions, I decided to create a new user account. That took care of the problem!I had previously copied all files from my old user account to a thumb drive. Then I copied them to the new user account, and it works perfectly. I wonder what would cause such problems that would affect an account, but that's what happened.Anyway, thanks again!. or to post comments. So I was having issues on my Win10 desktop, and the blue screen error came up with critical process died, and running the sfc was said to fix it in a fix I read. After trying this, the operation couldn't be performed, so I found this link to try and figure out how to fix it.

After doing all the steps above before parsing the CBS.log file, the verification phase completed, 100%. As soon as it finished, the error message Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation, so I ran it once more just to be sure.

Windows file resource

The same thing happened again. After that I decided to continue to the next section, to see if I could do anything from where I was at.I read a line into it and realized that that section was if there were corrupted files it was unable to fix. Alas, that was not the error message that my computer was showing to me, so I feared if I did proceed, I would screw my desktop up even more. With my issues, should I continue and parse the CBS.log file, or should I hold off and try and find another fix?

Thanks millions for putting this out, by the way, I feel like it's very helpful and easy to read for those that think they know about tech although they really don't(like myself). or to post comments. Hello Dennis. I have been working on this Toshiba Satellite laptop (L70D-A) for a friend. Have tried numerous things that haven't helped.

SFC/scannow will run to 77% then stop with an error. I decided to try your fix (from title of my comment) I have been stuck at 'Scanning and repairing drive (C:): 10%' for almost 1.5 hours.While this was running I read some of the comments and was wondering if I can safely stop this scan and start with checking for the Windows update 'KB3022345' that is known to cause problems on some computers. or to post comments.